Saturday, October 18, 2014

What's on Ally's iPhone 6 right now!

My gold 64GB iPhone 6 is my daily driver and goes pretty much wherever I go. I'll start this off by saying that if you ask anyone that knows me personally, or even some of my colleagues, they'll all tell you that I'm a little over compulsive about being organized. At times, annoyingly so. And you probably could have guessed, my iPhone 6 is certainly no exception...

  • Wallpaper - I change my wallpaper compulsively and since it's fall, I have a random leave image I found on Google images. I get lots of questions about my wallpapers from readers all the time and my typical answer is, "Google search fall leaves iPhone wallpaper", because that's all I do.
  • Dock - In my dock I have four stock apps that I use most often — Phone, Messages, Mail, and Safari. I used to use Mailbox as my default Mail app but I've been giving the iOS 8 Mail app a try since early betas and so far, it's kept me pretty happy.
  • Camera, Photos, and Clock - As long as I can remember, these three apps have always been in these positions on my iPhone. It just seems wrong to put them anywhere else.
  • Fantastical 2 - I've been using Fantastical since it was available for iOS and I couldn't imagine using any other app for my calendar and reminders. It's simple, elegant, and has one of the most responsive developers you'll ever meet.
  • App Store, iTunes, Music, Passbook - The second row on my iPhone houses a few more stock apps that I use on a regular basis. App Store and iTunes are a given. I use the Music app for iTunes Radio more than anything else. As for Passbook, it's in a location where my right thumb can easily tap. I use Passbook for everything from buying a cup of coffee at Starbucks to boarding a plane and redeeming movie theater rewards. With Apple Pay coming soon, I have a feeling Passbook is going to be even more indispensable to me.
  • Weather Line - I've been using Weather Line as my main weather app for almost a year now. I love the layout and simplicity of it. I've also always found historical weather data to be helpful and Weather Line does a great job of showing daily, monthly, and yearly averages in a meaningful way that just makes sense. I've also become convinced that Dark Sky is one of the most reliable forms of information when it comes to rain and Weather Line pulls straight from it. I've never liked the Dark Sky app layout so this gives me the best of both worlds.
  • iMore - Did you really expect anything less?
  • Newsify - This spot on my Home screen had previously been occupied for years by [Reeder]( but was recently ousted as it hasn't been updated for the iPhone 6 just yet. Even so, I'm skeptical as to whether or not I'll switch back. I've really been liking Newsify and how much customization it really does allow. Want to casually browse news? Check out the magazine style view. Want to quickly triage your feeds? Just toggle to list view in two taps.
  • Tweetbot - If I had to choose one app that I use more than any other, it'd be a tie between Fantastical 2 and Tweetbot. When it comes to Twitter on iOS, there's no better experience than Tweetbot, at least on the iPhone. With a beautiful interface and a feature set that'll make your jaw drop, it sets the mark for every other Twitter app in the App Store.
  • Facebook - It's a necessary evil. Not one that I particularly care for but one that I tolerate.
  • Instagram - I love taking photos and I've been using Instagram since it launched. From posting my own photos to checking out #doge and #instashibe hashtags, there isn't really anything you can't find on Instagram photo wise.
  • Settings - The Settings app has always been the very last icon before the endless barrage of folders start. It's varied in position a few times but is always the last single icon not contained in a folder.
  • Faves folder - My favorites folder contains apps that I use fairly regularly but don't feel need to be on my actual Home screen within one tap access. A few highlights that I can't live without include BillGuard for tracking and monitoring my financial accounts, Acorns for small savings investments, 1Password to remember all the password things, and a few news apps including Pocket.
  • iMore folder - All of these apps are ones I need to do my job here at iMore everyday. We use Slack for group chat, Trello to plan content and stay organized, Skype for quick calls when needed, Screens for remote logging in to all the things when away from the office, and a few others that involve tracking analytics, beta testing, and just plain getting the job done.
  • Social folder - This folder is only one page, all of which you can see. There aren't any surprises here really but if I had to pick my most used social app in this folder, it would have to be Foursquare, which is indispensable to me while traveling.
  • Travel folder - Last year my girlfriend and I promised each other we'd make more time for travel and so far, we've made good on that promise. We recently started using Airbnb rather regularly, and we typically fly American Airlines which has a great app including widget support for boarding passes in iOS 8. Tube Deluxe also gets a place next to Google Maps and Apple Maps since it's one of the best Underground apps I've found. So if you're in London, be sure to give it a try. The rest of my travel folder is filled with a plethora of currency conversion, transit, and translation apps.
  • Media folder - This is where pretty much all my media lives from my Sonos Controller app to control our home audio system to all my music streaming services. My three most used are Rdio and Spotify while on the go while Pandora typically reigns supreme when I'm working during the day. I also have TeeVee 3 in my media folder since it's hands down the best app available where tv episode guides are concerned. It even offers a nifty Notification Center widget that shows an overview of all your upcoming shows for the week.
  • Entertainment folder - This folder is pretty predictable and basically contains anything from video streaming apps such as Netflix to ESPN SportsCenter. I've also got a few podcast apps including Overcast loaded up.
  • Photo folder - This folder currently runs almost 6 pages long and contains a plethora of photo editing and filter apps that I use. Most of which offer great photo extensions in iOS 8 for the Photos app. The most notable ones that I use regularly include Storehouse and Lightroom. I use a lot of the filter and basic editing apps via the Photos app now, so I don't really care what page of the Photo folder they fall on anymore.
  • Games folder - No iPhone Home screen is complete without a few games! I have about 7 pages of games on my iPhone and my most played ones get a first page spot. They include Threes!, TwoDots, the original Dots, Smash Hit, Monument Valley, and several others.
  • Blank space - I don't know if it's my OCD or what, but I've always felt wrong completely filling my iPhone Home screen. As long as I can remember, I've always left one blank space. And as you can see, it's a habit that's carried with me for several years.
  • Second page - My second page consists of all the rest of my apps that I don't use regularly or really only need to see notifications for. Everything from financial apps to productivity apps and back again. Some of these are also there because I review apps as part of my job, so I like to stay informed of updates on popular ones, whether I use them regularly or not.

And that pretty much wraps up what I'm currently using on my iPhone 6. Only two pages but those two pages are packed with apps and games that I use on a regular basis.

Everyone here at iMore will be telling you in the coming weeks what they have on their iPhone 6 or 6 Plus, so be sure you check out our What iMore's Using page regularly for all the updates!

And as always, if you have any questions about apps I'm using, feel free to let me know in the comments! And if you've found an app that you think is better than what I'm currently using, I of course want to know that too!

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