Thursday, October 30, 2014

Latest Skype for iPhone update adds new photo features and more

Microsoft has announced a new version of Skype for the iPhone that adds a number of new features and improvements, including a way to save or delete photos in its chat UI.

Here's what will be included in the 5.7 update, which should be available from iTunes sometime today:

  • Save and delete photo - If you want to save a memorable photo to your camera roll or delete a sent photo from a chat, simply press and hold the image and the options will appear.
  • Faster chat load time - Now when you receive a notification and tap it to open the app, the message will be there waiting for you without any delays.
  • Avatars for all chat - You can now see all avatars for groups and people, and if they're changed on other platforms, they'll update in the app too so you always have the latest showing.
  • People list UI improvements - In 5.7, we've made it easier to find the people list search and filter options, so you can quickly and easily find the person you want to chat with and get started.

How often do you use Skype on your iPhone?

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