Friday, October 31, 2014

Jony Ive talks design challenges of the Apple Watch

Apple design head Jony Ive has given some insight into how Apple approached the design of the Apple Watch. Ive spoke about designing the Watch at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art this week. He said that the project was more challenging than the iPhone, in part due to the societal views on watches, according to the Wall Street Journal:

"Even though Apple Watch does so many things, there are cultural, historical implications and expectations," Ive said. "That's why it's been such a difficult and humbling program."

Ive also emphasized that the wrist is a great place for quick interactions like looking at messages, but that the Apple Watch wouldn't be suited for bigger tasks like reading a long document or email.

What are your expectations of the Apple Watch when it launches early next year? Leave your thoughts with us in the comments.

Source: The Wall Street Journal

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