Thursday, October 30, 2014

Flipboard undergoes major redesign, launches curated daily news section

News magazine app Flipboard picked up a major update today, which brings forth a new design as well as the addition of over 30,000 topics. Also new is a curated daily news magazine called The Daily Edition, which features a list of general news stories from a variety of categories.

Here's the changelog for version 3.0:

  • Start your day with The Daily Edition, featuring articles selected by our team, ready at 7 a.m. every day.
  • Follow people to stay up-to-date on everything they're collecting into their magazines.
  • Enjoy an overall design refresh, including full-bleed magazine covers, new typography, and more prominent comment displays and attribution.

The iPhone-only changes include:

  • A brand-new look and feel: use the new tab bar to quickly navigate between your Flipboard, everything you're following, search, notifications and your profile.
  • Share, like or flip your favorite stories into magazines more quickly from easier-to-access buttons.

The new design is targeted at making content discovery easier on smartphones, which is where 70 percent of Flipboard's user base comes from, according to CEO Mike McCue. The shift to a topic-driven interface should allow users to find their areas of interest faster. The engine behind the new topics section is powered by Zite, a mobile news recommendations service Flipboard acquired earlier this year.

The Zite engine is powering this, and it's deep topic analysis — we use it to surface what other people are curating about that topic. But there is no algorithm for cool, or beautiful, or inspiring, so we are using a fusion of algorithm and human, the science and the art.

Do you use Flipboard regularly? What are your thoughts on the new design and the curated news feature?

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