Thursday, October 30, 2014

Verizon agrees to pay $64.2 million to settle Family SharePlan overcharging claims

Verizon Wireless has quietly agreed to a settlement of a class action lawsuit that claimed the company was overcharging its Family SharePlan customers. Verizon will pay a total of $64.2 million to its customers and to cover legal fees.

The proposed settlement, which was filed last week in US District Court in New Jersey, is in response to a lawsuit filed in 2006, which claimed Verizon was charging for in-network calls on its Family SharePlan that were supposed to be free to members of that billing plan. The charges were made between 2002 and 2006.

Under the terms of the settlement, Verizon will not admit to any wrongdoing but will pay $36.7 million in cash to its customers that were part of the Family SharePlan. It will also offer $27.5 million in free minutes to those same customers. The remaining $19.26 million will pay for the legal fees of the lawyers who represented the plaintiffs in the lawsuit.

Do you feel more needs to be done to regulate how wireless carriers charge their customers?

Source: Huffington Post

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