Friday, October 31, 2014

Trent Reznor talks a bit about his new role at Apple

Nine Inch Nails frontman and Trent Reznor has spoken a bit about his new role at Apple. Reznor acted as the chief creative officer of Beats Music until it was purchased by Apple earlier this year, and the company asked him to come on board for a special project. What that is exactly isn't clear, but Reznor said that it's an evolution of his role at Beats, and in the realm of music delivery, according to an interview with Billboard:

It's in that world. It's exciting to me, and I think it could have a big enough impact that it's worth the effort. I'm fully in it right now, and it's challenging, and it's unfamiliar and it's kind of everything I asked for -- and the bad thing is it's everything I asked for.

Any guesses as to what Trent Reznor is working on? Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Source: Billboard

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