Monday, April 6, 2015

Apple reportedly inviting more developers to test apps on Apple Watches

Apple has reportedly been inviting more developers to test their apps on Apple Watch hardware at the company's labs in Sunnyvale, California.

While select developers have already had the chance to test their apps for the Apple Watch at Apple's labs, most developers have had to make due without the hardware. But since their March 9 event, Apple is said to have opened up their labs to more developers, according to Financial Times:

Before March's press event, only top-ranking iPhone developers such as Uber and Facebook were invited to Apple's offices to test their Watch apps. In the weeks since then, however, it has opened to more, with about 20 developers a day visiting its labs, according to those who have been there.

Security is apparently still tight in the labs. It's likely that internet access is still blocked inside the facilities, and developers are reportedly required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) and cover up the cameras on their iPhones.

A number of iPhone apps have already been updated with support for the Apple Watch, including apps like Dark Sky, Evernote, and Target. Apple has recently begun taking Apple Watch app submissions from all developers to prepare for the device's launch on April 24.

Source: Financial Times

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