Monday, April 27, 2015

Apple Watch targeted for launch in additional countries by late June

During Apple's Q2 2015 conference call today, CEO Tim Cook said that the Apple Watch should start hitting additional countries in late June.

Though the Apple Watch launched in a total of 9 countries last week, the wearable should be coming to additional countries at the end of June, said Apple CEO Tim Cook. As of its launch last week, the Apple Watch is available in Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, the UK and the US. From Cook:

It is a new product for us, and with any kind of new product, you wind up taking some time to fully ramp. Having said that, I think we're in a good position, and by sometime in late June, we currently anticipate being in a position that we could begin to sell the Apple Watch in additional countries. And so that's our current plan.

Though Cook made no mention of which countries the Apple Watch may be coming to at the end of June, this should be welcome news for those not in the first round of launch countries nonetheless.

Highlights from Apple's Q2 2015 conference call

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