Monday, April 6, 2015

Apple accelerating developer access to Apple Watch testing labs

Apple has reportedly been inviting more developers to test their apps on Apple Watch hardware.

While select developers have had a chance to develop on Apple Watch since before it was ever announced — look no further than the demonstration of Twitter and Facebook apps back at the September event — Apple has reportedly accelerated the program in recent weeks in order to give even more developers in more places time to test their apps on the watch. It's far from the first time we've heard about these labs, but it's definitely great Apple is adapting and extending so quickly. According to the Financial Times:

Before March's press event, only top-ranking iPhone developers such as Uber and Facebook were invited to Apple's offices to test their Watch apps. In the weeks since then, however, it has opened to more, with about 20 developers a day visiting its labs, according to those who have been there.

Looking at the Apple Watch Apps page published on, it's pretty clear which developers had access prior to March 9. Since then, it sounds like many, many more have had a chance to test for a day both in North America and across the pond.

A number of iPhone apps have already been updated with Apple Watch support, including apps like Dark Sky, Evernote, and Target. Since Apple has recently begun taking Apple Watch app submissions many more are no doubt on the way.

Either way, there should be plenty of apps available for the April 24 launch.

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