Saturday, November 1, 2014

Jony Ive: Apple Watch is the 'beginning of a very important category'

Jony Ive, Apple's Senior Vice President of Design, said that the upcoming launch of the company's Apple Watch is just the start of what he called 'a very important category' of products. Ive made those statements on Friday night where he was honored as a "San Francisco Treasure" by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.

Ive stated:

Obviously, you're not going to read 'War and Peace' on your wrist. But for lightweight interactions, for casual glancing, it's absolutely fabulous. And I think this is the beginning of a very important category. With every bone in my body I know this is an important category, and this is the right place to wear it.

He also stated that while designing the first iPhone gave him and his team the freedom to make something completely new, the Apple Watch is different because the wrist-based watch already has a long history. Ive said, "There are cultural and historical implications and expectations. That's why it's been such a difficult and humbling program."

Do you think the Apple Watch is indeed the start of a new category or just a new product that already has a number of smartbands and smartwatches available?

Source: Re/code

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