Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Indiegogo project Pinć VR makes your iPhone a window to the virtual world

A new project on Indiegogo called Pinć is looking to transform the iPhone into an enhanced virtual reality experience. As a wearable , Pinć is a goggle-like device that allows you to mount your iPhone to your head. Similar to Samsung's Gear VR for the rival Galaxy Note 4, Pinć allows iPhone owners to enter immersive augmented or virtual reality world and could be suited for gaming.

Pinć is the first VR platform that fits in your pocket allowing you to use your phone traditionally without any interruption with the ability to unfold into a Virtual Reality Headset with integrated controllers.

In addition to the goggles, there are finger sensors that allow Pinć wearers to control the interface. Using the iPhone's camera to read the movement and placement of the finger sensors, users can tap and interact with their virtual world.

The device is controlled by optical control rings worn on index fingers that pinch to click with users' hands. Pinć is a groundbreaking iOS platform built on the concept of spatial computing, turning browsing, multitasking and shopping into an immersive virtual reality experience.

Pinć | Interface Visualization Demo from Cordon Media on Vimeo.

Right now pledging starts at $149.

Source: Indiegogo

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