Sunday, November 30, 2014

iPhones and iPads led the way in mobile shopping on Thanksgiving

Online sales during Thanksgiving were up this year, with iPhones and iPads grabbing a large percentage of online shopping on mobile devices. Overall online sales were up 14 percent over 2013, with iOS devices alone counting for a quarter of all sales. iOS devices also had a substantial lead in mobile site traffic.

From TechCrunch:

Yesterday, the average order value on iOS devices was $118.57, only $23 more than on Android devices. But iOS led the way in bringing more site traffic at 36% versus 16%, and in what may be the real killer stat, iOS devices alone accounted for over one-quarter of all sales, with Android at 7%.

Mobile devices accounted for one-third of all online sales this year, up a little less than 10 percent over 2013.

Source: TechCrunch

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