Sunday, March 15, 2015

Over 60 million Americans interested in buying Apple Watch

According to a recent survey, a whopping 25% of Americans are interesting in buying an Apple Watch

That's for a product that hasn't even been released yet, and part of a product category that hasn't even made it into the mainstream. What's more, when constrained to the adult population, that's roughly 60 million people*. Even better news for Apple, 13% said that, while they don't currently have an iPhone, they're considering getting one in order to get an Apple Watch as well. Reuters reports:

Ipsos surveyed 1,245 Americans online between March 9 and March 13. The data was weighted to reflect the U.S. population and has a credibility interval of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.

46% said the Apple Watch was "cool" and about 50% were award of the Apple Watch. Again, that's half of America aware of a product that hasn't launched yet, almost all of those people favorably aware, and around half of them interested in buying it. Before it's so much as shipped.

Reuters, for reasons known only to its apparently negative attention-seeking editorial policy, wrapped all those numbers up in a "doomed" headline and narrative, but it's hard to see them as anything other than resoundingly positive. Or, to put it another way:

We'll have to wait until launch, of course, to see what the initial sales numbers really turn out to be, but there's every indication the people are way more positive than the press is portraying them to be.

*If you math is better than mine, feel free to work out a more precise number in the comments.

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