Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Xiaomi announces new $15 Mi Smart Scale that will work with your iPhone

Xiaomi is on a roll today, announcing the new Mi Smart Scale for just $15. If you're after new scales in China with smartphone connectivity, look no further.

The new scales sport 50g precision and can measure in either kg or lbs. But since these are no mere generic scales, purchasers will have the ability to track weight and BMI with the Mi Fit app. The Mi Smart Scale is compatible with iOS and Android.

An LED display hides behind a white glass platform, awakening when required for a Bluetooth 4.0 connection to be made. It's positive to see Xiaomi aggressively launch a new product in its connected devices line-up to rival competitor offerings.

There's no word yet as to when the Mi Smart Scale will be launching in other markets, but we'll let you know as soon as we hear more.

Source: Facebook (Mi)

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