Sunday, March 1, 2015

Apple launches new 'World Gallery' promoting iPhone 6 photography

Apple has launched a new page promoting amazing photos taken with the iPhone 6.

Called the "World Gallery", the page spotlights the photography of iPhone 6 owners all over the world. Each photo comes with a caption talking about how each photo was created. From Apple:

People take incredible photos and videos on iPhone 6 every day. And here are some of our favorites. Explore the gallery, learn a few tips, and see what's possible with the world's most popular camera.

In addition to the photographs themselves, Apple also mentions what apps and accessories were used, either to take the photos or achieve certain effects. These include apps like VSCO Cam or Instagram, and accessories such as the Olloclip lens for iPhone 6.

The iPhone remains one of the most popular cameras in the world and with results like these, it's not just the "best camera you have with you" but a pretty good camera in its own right.

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