Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Chris Breen leaves Macworld (and the tech community) for Apple

My friend, former colleague, and Mac guru extraordinaire Chris Breen is leaving Macworld after several decades to go work for Apple. It's a huge loss for IDG, and an even bigger loss for the tech community at large — Chris appeared on podcasts and Lynda videos across the Web, and it's a sad day indeed to think that we won't hear his voice on any tech-related casts from here on out.

Chris, on the transition:

As part of this change I'll be leaving the public stage as Chris Breen Technology Guy (though I may still pop up as Chris Breen Musician Guy at a saloon near you). When the mood strikes I'll continue writing here about topics unrelated to technology, compose the occasional podcast theme, post beach pictures on Flickr, and spout the usual nonsense on Twitter (where you can unfollow me @BodyofBreen). Otherwise, until further notice, my technology writing/speaking/radio/video/podcasting days are at an end.

Funny story: Chris is at partially responsible for my tenacious entry into the Mac community. When I first got offered a freelance contract with Macworld back in late 2009, my father frantically emailed Chris asking for his advice: "Do you think the life of a freelance writer is the right career for my daughter to be jumping into?"

Chris told him, very kindly, that the life of a freelance writer was a hard one, and only the best of the best rose up — and he probably wouldn't advise his own daughter to jump into such a life without a full-time job as backup.

I, of course, blatantly ignored this warning and worked my tail off for seven months before I got a full-time job with IDG and Macworld. When I finally met Chris in person at Macworld Expo in 2011, I told him this story — and he burst out laughing. "Well, if I'd known your dad was talking about you..."

Chris and I went on to work on a lot of things together during my time at Macworld, including the Macworld Podcast, and he was an incredible mentor and influence over those four years. I'm sure he will similarly touch the lives of many an Apple employee in whatever capacity his new job entails.

So from me and the rest of us at iMore, Chris, best wishes, and we're excited to see what you do next — even if the tech-related work stays under lock and key in Cupertino.

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