Friday, February 27, 2015

Follow @iMore on Twitter for everything Apple!

If Twitter is where you hang your social hashtags, we've got two great ways for you to stay up to date with iMore!

For those who prefer a carefully curated experience, we have the main @iMore account. It brings you the very best of our original content — features, editorials, opinions, reviews, guides, and the most important news. It won't flood your feed, but it will make sure you know about everything that matters.

For those who want absolutely every story we publish everyday, we have the @iMore_firehose account. It will bring you every story, including every bit of news we link to from morning to noon to night. It'll make sure your feed always has the latest and the greatest updates.

If you want all the behind-the-scenes action as well, especially when we're at special events and conferences, you can also follow our editors. Each has diverse interests, but iMore really is the sum of its people — and these are our people:

Apple has also begun tweeting more regularly in recent years. Most Apple employees prefer to keep a low profile, and we respect their privacy, but Apple executives are quite public:

iTunes also has a bunch of accounts it uses to help promote all the content it helps deliver every week:

For many people, Twitter is the new RSS. If you're one of them, hope this helps keep you up-to-date!

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