Thursday, February 26, 2015

Tapbots announces plans for 2015 including major updates for Tweetbot, Calcbot

Tapbots, developer of popular third-party Twitter client Tweetbot, as well calculator app Calcbot have announced some of their plans for 2015. Updates are coming for both Calcbot and Tweetbot on Mac, iPhone, and iPad.

Tapbots hopes to push major updates for all of their apps before WWDC 2015. They have already teased Tweetbot 2 for Mac, which will be a free update to current Tweetbot for Mac users when it launches later this year.

A major update to Tweetbot for iOS, listed as Tweetbot 4.0 on their refreshed website, is in the works that will include an update for the iPad version. From Tapbots:

We are also working on getting major updates to Tweetbot 3 for iOS out. This will include landscape mode for iOS (finally), and the highly anticipated update to the iPad version. We plan on putting a lot of time and love into making Tweetbot a better product this year.

In addition to announcing these plans, Tapbots has also refreshed their website. Under the new In Development section on the front page, they list their current works-in-progress, including the updates for Tweetbot on iOS and Mac, as well as Calcbot 2.1, which will include extensions, localization improvements, and more.

You can check out all of this news and more on the Tapbots blog.

Source: Tapbots

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