Monday, February 23, 2015

Tweetbot for iPhone updated with support for viewing Twitter videos and GIFs

Popular Twitter app Tweetbot for iPhone has scored an update today, bringing it up to version 3.5.2. As far as new features are concerned, it's a bit light, but users will gain support for playing Twitter-hosted videos and GIFs, along with the usual helping of bug fixes.

Here's the full breakdown of what's new and improved in version 3.5.2:

  • Support for viewing Twitter videos
  • Better support for Twitter GIFs
  • Various bug fixes

Twitter videos were recently added to the micro-blogging service at the end of January, and enable users to upload videos directly to Twitter itself, rather than going through third-party services such as Instagram. While this most recent update to Tweetbot doesn't allow uploading of videos, the ability to view them within the app is sure to be a welcome change.

If you want to grab the update, feel free to hit up that store link below to start trolling for videos.

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