Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Best calendar apps for iPhone

Apple's built in Calendar app covers the basics: appointments and schedule management. For anyone brand new to the iPhone, it's more than enough to get started. The App Store, however, is full of alternatives that'll suit a wide variety of different tastes and workflows. Whether you need to organize yourself, your family, your business, or everything, there's certainly a calendar app for you. Which one you choose will depend on what's most important to you.

Here's a list of our favorites. Check them out for yourself, choose the best iPhone app for you. When you've picked — or if you've already picked — tell us which one in the poll above and why you picked it in the comments below!

1. Fantastical 2

For speed organizers

Fantastical 2 lets you quickly enter appointments using natural language text, and quickly find them again using its lightning-fast bi-directional interface. There's also built-in support for Reminders and a widget. If you want to get organized fast and stay that way, you want to check out Fantastical.

2. Sunrise Calendar

For the social butterfly

Sunrise Calendar keeps track of all your calendar appointments and meetings alongside your Foursquare checkins, Twitter status updates, and more. Sunrise also ties into business apps like Trello. If you want a great mix of work and play, you'll want to check out Sunrise.

3. Pocket Informant

For feature fanatics

Pocket Informant is the Swiss Army knife of calendar apps. It packs in almost every feature you can think of and likely several you couldn't. From weather to widgets and everything in between, if you want it all, give Pocket Informant a look.

4. Calendars 5

For list makers

Calendars 5 has everything you want in a calendar, including natural language input, but adds powerful list views and task management as well. If you want something different than grids and tables, give Calendars 5's streams a try.

5. Agenda Calendar 4

For serial swipers

Agenda Calendar 4 is completely gesture driven. It offers a wide variety of views and integrates with everything from Reminders to Fantastical to Drafts to Clear to Due to... you get the idea. If you'd rather tap than swipe or move between apps than stay in the same place, check out Agenda Calendar 4.

7. Tempo Calendar

For the detail oriented

Tempo is a smart calendar that gives you everything from flight statuses to information you may need about a client before going into a meeting. The more you tell Tempo, the more it learns. If the little details are important to you, give Tempo a twirl.

8. Week Calendar

For at-a-glancers

Week Calendar is packed with views enough to suit any personality or preference. It can also assign icons, duplicate events, and more. If you can never have enough information in a single glance, Week Calendar you may not be able to get enough of Week Calendar.

9. Super Calendar

For the customizer

Super Calendar lets you customize almost every aspect of how your calendar looks. From setting background images to adjusting font types and sizes, if you want it, you can likely do it. If the idea of a unique looking calendar appeals to you, Super Calendar will appeal to you.

Your favorite?

If you're new to the iPhone, go through the list of apps above and try all the ones you like. No doubt you'll find the best calendar app for you. Then tell us which one it is, and why you like best about it!

Note: We didn't forget to include Calvetica. It hasn't been updated since November 2013, so we don't feel comfortable recommending it unless and until an update happens. There have also been rumors of a Google Calendar for iPhone app. If and when Google releases it, we'll take a look and update as appropriate.

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