Thursday, December 18, 2014

Secret app updated with chat and communities

Secret's anonymous confession app has had a significant overhaul in both style and function. In addition to being able to spill the beans about anything without fear of reprisal, now you can enter private conversations with other anonymous users.

You can also filter Secrets based on location, company, and school. The only real identifier on Secret to date has been whether or not you're Facebook friends with someone, but even that is being obscured with a new option to remove any relationship links from your status (friend of friend, for example).

Here are a few more details from the changelog.

  • A new look. The magic of Secret has always been the candid conversations. We've made Secret much faster to browse, post and comment. Oh, and we have a new fox.
  • Explore communities. Now you can see posts from your city, company, or school in separate spaces from your friends' posts. Go explore.
  • More control. Sometimes you want to post to friends, other times you want to post without being labeled as a friend. Now you can choose who will see your post and how you'll appear.
  • Chat. This long-awaited feature is finally here. Now you can chat one-on-one with people on Secret. Just tap on their avatar and chat away.

  • Free - Download now

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