Wednesday, December 31, 2014

TWiT 24 hr. New Year's party!

I'm in Petaluma, California, just an hour or so north of San Francisco, where Leo Laporte and the TWiT are doing their annual 24 hrs. of New Year's party. That's where they start with the first time zone to hit 2015 and keep going until the last time zone hits it. Yeah, marathon. But it's all for a great cause — to raise money for UNICEF.

So far I've done Dance Central with Chad Johnson, badly, had a panel discussion on whether robots will one day eat us with Steve Gibson, Jeff Jarvis, and Randal Swartz, argued iPhone 6 vs. iPhone 6 Plus, and gotten beat at chess. And it's just gone 9:30am here. There's lots more to come, including a segment where I'll be attempting to show Leo some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu moves. Yeah, disaster-in-the-waiting. I'll be embedding all the videos below as they go live, but if we want to tune in as-it-happens, head on over to, and if you can, please donate!

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