Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Apple's 'Start something new' website hopes to inspire you to create with Apple products

Apple has introduced a new site that showcases creations made using Apple products. Called "Start something new," the site hopes to inspire you to create something, showing you the devices and apps these artists used for their pieces, including the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and iPad Air 2. Apps featured include VSCO Cam, Brushes 3, and Apple's own iMovie.

From Start something new:

Every piece in this gallery was created on an Apple product. Every brushstroke, every pixel, and every frame of film was brought to life by talented Apple users from around the world. As you explore their work, we hope it inspires you to create something new.

In addition to devices and apps, the site also gives you a short story about each creator and how they created their pieces. "Start something new" launched earlier this week on Apple's Japanese website, and is now available through Apple's sites in the United States and in several other countries.

Source: Apple - Start something new

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