Tuesday, December 2, 2014

LAUSD superintendant ends $1.3 billion iPad-for-all initiative

The Los Angeles Unified School District announced that it is terminating its ambitious $1.3 billion plan to outfit every student with an iPad. Though unrelated to the seizure of documents by the FBI from the district on Monday, LAUSD superintendant Ramon Cortines announced his decision on Tuesday to end its contract with Apple.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Cortines defended his decision to move away from the original iPad contract stating:

We're not going to use the original iPad contract anymore. I think there have been too many innuendos, rumors, etc., and based on my reading of a great deal of material over Thanksgiving, I came to this conclusion. As CEO and steward of a billion-dollar operation, I have to make sure things are done properly so they are not questioned.

The decision was approved by the board in a closed-door meeting. The iPad-for-all project was initially implemented by Cortines' predecessor John Deassy, who attracted scrutiny for his connections with Apple and curriculum developer Pearson:

Deasy drew attention after disclosures of close ties he had with executives at Apple, maker of the iPads, and Pearson, the company that provided the curriculum for the tablets. Deasy, who resigned under pressure in October, has denied any wrongdoing, and board members also have said they don't believe he was guilty of any illegal actions.

Source: Los Angeles Times

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