Thursday, December 4, 2014

Alabama anti-discrimination bill named after Tim Cook gets Apple's approval

Tim Cook, who publicly announced his sexuality back in October, will see his name attached to a bill that bans discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) teachers and state employees in Alabama. According to the Reuters report:

"Democratic state Representative Patricia Todd, Alabama's sole openly gay lawmaker, said on Wednesday that Apple was initially hesitant about having Cook's name on her bill, which faces steep odds in the Republican-dominated Legislature, but later embraced the idea. Cook came out days after accepting an Alabama Academy of Honor award in a speech critical of the socially conservative state's lack of progress on rights for gay people."

When Todd revealed the plans to Cook, it appeared as though Apple was not in agreement from the get-go, but the company has cleared up communication, noting that Cook would appreciate being tied to the bill. Apple released a statement to Reuters:

"Tim was honored to hear that State Rep. Todd wanted to name an anti-discrimination bill after him, and we're sorry if there was any miscommunication about it. We have a long history of support for LGBT rights and we hope every state will embrace workplace equality for all."

The bill is the latest step in Apple's long history of supporting LGBT rights.

Source: Reuters

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