Wednesday, January 7, 2015

iMore presents CESongs

Seeing amazing products is cool and all, but the best part of CES is getting to hang out with Rene, Georgia, and Anthony on a daily basis. We've been making silly videos for the cool booths we've seen on the show floor, but Tuesday night we took it a step further, recapping our activities with a ukulele song. Really, iMore, this is your fault: You asked for more CES songs, so here you go — the ultimate terrible CESong, starring yours truly, Georgia, Anthony, and Rene. We wrote it in advance rather than singing off the cuff this time, though I'm not sure if that helped or hurt us. Regardless, I hope you folks enjoy watching it as much as we enjoyed recording it! Talk about a fun way to wind down from a long day of show floor hunting and Showstoppering.

(Note: We largely forced Rene to rap because he's been entertaining us with his renditions of 90s rap songs all week while we've been trying to work at the CES Live booth. Sorry/not sorry, Rene.)

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