Sunday, November 23, 2014

Square says it will start accepting Apple Pay sometime in 2015

Square will support Apple Pay at some point next year, according to its founder, Jack Dorsey. Dorsey reiterrated comments from earlier this year in which he said that Square aimed to accept all forms of payment, and that includes Apple Pay. While some have tried to play up Apple Pay as a rival of Square, Dorsey said he disagrees.

From CNNMoney:

"We're not building a credit card. We're not building a payment device. We're building a [cash] register, and this register accepts all these forms of payments," Dorsey told CNN in an interview.

Of course, supporting Apple Pay would require new, NFC-compatible hardware from Square. No specific date for support was given, with Dorsey only saying that it would come in 2015.

Source: CNNMoney

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