Dell is now shipping its previously announced $2,500 UltraSharp 27 Ultra HD 5K Monitor through its online store. The display sports the same 5120 X 2880-pixel Ultra HD resolution that we saw on Apple's recent Retina 5K iMac. However, Dell is pricing its monitor-only solution at the same price as Apple's all-in-one, which includes a full computer running OS X Yosemite.
The Dell UltraSharp 27 Ultra HD 5K requires two cables and two ports to connect, and even then it's still unclear whether or not a Mac could support it as a single, logical screen at 60 Hz. If not, low refresh and potential tearing down the middle would be deal-breakers for most.
The Dell display comes with Dell's PremierColor tech, which boasts 99 percent color accuracy with Adobe RGB and 100 percent accuracy with sRGB coverage. It also has two integrated speakers with Harman Kardon sound quality. It also features 1 Mini DisplayPort, 2 full-sized DisplayPorts, 5 USB 3.0 ports, 1 USB port, and an integrated card reader.
It's certainly not as elegant and inexpensive a solution as the Retina 5K iMac - read our review here at iMore — but for people who already have a Mac Pro and want 5K, here's hoping it's a workable one.
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