Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Former Android exec praises iPhone 6 design

At the WSJD Live conference, former Android exec Hugo Barra took the stage to praise the design of Apple's iPhone 6, even going as far as saying that it's the most beautiful smartphone ever built. Barra, now an executive at Chinese smartphone-maker Xiaomi, also took the time to defend his company against criticism that Xiaomi may have copied others' designs in its own hardware.

After extolling praises of Apple's smartphone design, Barra said of the similarity between Xiaomi's designs and those of its rivals:

Our designers, our engineers are inspired by great products — and frankly, in today's world, who isn't?" Barra said. "Point me to a product in our industry that has completely unique design language. You're not going to be able to find one.

And that even extends to the iPhone 6, which Barra says has an HTC-like design language:

Of course, with an astonishing twist … but it is somewhat familiar design language.

Is Xiaomi's look-alike Android smartphones and tablets a form of flattery to the designs of Jony Ive, or should Xiaomi do more to differentiate?

Source: Cult of Mac, The Verge

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